Patients over half headaches
* There are several types of pain in which there is a half-headache, which is known as mourning, and in the modern alopathy term called Magigen. Sometimes it is in the whole head, but in half the head is more and less. Patients are very intensely and do not leave the patient for any work. The pain on the top and the adjoining part is a type of eye-catchment.
In ancient medicine, Alaska, the first-century medical practitioner, described it as a type of pain headache. Jillinus named the ancestor since that time. Women are more than men. Half headache usually one and one
Often morning starts with sunset, which increases the likelihood of the sun, increases pain. So when the sun is on half-anchor, it is unusual in pain. Fall fall along with the sun and ends with sunset. Although it hurts in pain, the whole body is effective. Intensely pain feels headache, feel sparks in front of eyes and pain in the eyes. It has been observed that it is due to the interval. And some people are worried and beaten, sometimes their intensity pain ends the desire of hunger. When the trip ends or the pain ends, the patient completely finds himself fit and comfortable.
When the headache is older, it goes through a lot of difficulty, the headache usually occurs in the brain. It is born in substance. This particular symptom of the disease is that people are torn up with severe tears, if the patients are prevented from pressing, the blood and the gastrointestinal pain causes headache to the brain. Are influenced by
Treatment of the Middle East and the basic principle is that due to treatment of the disease, it is necessary to know the disease before the treatment. In the way of migraine, it is a victim of sleep over a large number of sleepers. Lack of sleep affects brain and nerves. In addition to staying close to sleep, normal physical weakness, and closure of bad water. One idea is that there is also an interval in the disease. The weather may also be a cause, it becomes unhappy. According to modern investigations, they are shrunk one by side due to the injection in the veins due to which there is an obstacle in the blood. Worms are painful by flowers.
Treatment of medical oriented migraine is focused on the correct sleep and system optimization. The patients who suffer from this pain use food and digestive food. Increase the use of fruits and vegetables, carrots and their juices are very useful.
Some people take time to get rid of pain pills or muscle fatigue to save pain, but this treatment treatment is a source of negative and discomfort because of them later, many problems arise from the effects of the patient. Adultery is to be addicted and infected with nerves.
In the case of occupation, the sunshine should be mixed with fresh water for two nights.
The prescription is proven useful in pestilence.
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Grind the gut in water or milk and add custom sugar / sugar to the sun before sunrise and drink at least twenty a day.